18th Youth Parliament Pakistan® Special Committees on PVE Elect Office Bearers

December 5, 2024 – Five YPP Special Committees on PVE each elected their four office-bearers including Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary and Joint Secretary through online voting on Wednesday. The Youth Parliament Pakistan® had constituted 5 Special Committees on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) earlier on November 22, 2024 at the fifth session of the YPP held in Lahore. Over the next few months, these committees will work on drafting policy recommendations on PVE within their dedicated groups, representing the four provinces of Pakistan as well as one representing ICT and other areas (AJK, GB and Overseas).

This project is made possible with the financial support of the EU, in collaboration with UNODC and NACTA, and aims to increase community resilience against violent extremism.

The list of all office bearers is below.