study visits


Several Study Visits have been facilitated for the Members of Youth Parliament Pakistan.

Youth Parliament Pakistan Members of 2009 batch visited London, UK and held a variety of meetings and interactions including community organizations such as the Stockwell Green Community Services and The City Circle; the National Green Party and the Local Government Association, covering subjects such as community cohesion of British Muslims, the politics of environment and the local government system in the UK.

Members of 2012 Youth Parliament Pakistan got the opportunity to visit Stockholm, Sweden. The Visit was aimed to provide a chance to the selected Youth parliament Members to understand the Swedish political and Parliamentary system and engage in a meaningful dialogue with Swedish youth counterparts on issues of mutual interest and concern.

Members of the 6th and 7th Batch of Youth Parliament Pakistan were provided an opportunity to visit London, UK and Copenhagen, Denmark in February 2015 and November-December 2015. The main purpose of the Study Visit was to facilitate learning about the democratic and Parliamentary systems, institutional measures of public accountability and transparency of Governments. The programme aimed to provide specific learning about the UK and Danish democracies, electoral, Parliamentary and political systems. The first day was spent in meetings in the British Parliament while the next four in Copenhagen included meetings with Danish MPs and experts.

Members are selected on the basis of their performance in their respective Youth Parliament Pakistan Sessions under a selection criteria developed by PILDAT and approved by the respectable Steering Committee.

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to UK, 2009

Youth Parliament Pakistan delegation with members of the British Youth Council (BYC) on their study visit to UK from July 19-25, 2009

Members of Youth Parliament Pakistan (MYPs) being briefed by the Director of Chatham House, UK on their study visit to UK from July 19-25, 2009

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to UK, 2010

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham being presented a memento by members of Youth Parliament Pakistan

Youth Parliament Pakistan delegation during their visit to UK Supreme Court on July 08, 2010

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to Sweden, 2012

Members of YPP 2012 in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden with Representatives from the Swedish Government in November 2012.

Members of YPP 2012 in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden with Representatives from the Swedish Government in November 2012

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to UK & Denmark, February 2015

Group photo of Pakistani Delegation in front of the Town Hall, Hvidovre Municipality

Pakistan Delegation Members visit the office of Ms. Helle Moesgaard Adelborg, Mayor of Hvidovre Municipality

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to Denmark, November 2015

Group Photo of 7th Youth Parliament Pakistan Delegation departing for London & Copenhagen

Embassy of Denmark hosts a dinner and briefing session for the 2015 Youth Parliament Pakistan Members

Youth Parliament Pakistan Study Visit to Denmark, 2016

Members visit Pakistan Embassy in Copenhagen to attend a dinner reception hosted by the Pakistan Ambassador to Denmark H.E. Masroor A. Junejo

Members interact with the Ms. Yildiz Akdogan, MPand Member Foreign Affairs Committee, Danish Parliament